Praise for "Breakthrough Lean Six Sigma"

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Jim Bandrowski started the Lean Six Sigma series at the Executive Education programs of the University of Wisconsin, Madison and the University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management. He also delivers the Design for Lean Six Sigma program. Participants consistently score Jim an average of 4.8 or higher out of 5.0, and often a perfect 5.0 out of 5.0. Here's what executives have said:


"Our people were amazed at how much Jim knew about our problems after only spending very little time with us. The thing we liked best about Jim was that he took the very technical subject of Lean Six Sigma and put it into terms and actions that every person in our shop could understand and use."

Jim Moreau COO Northwoods Paper Converting (Largest Paper Converting plant in the USA) Beaver Dam, WI


"Jim Bandrowski's streamlined approach to Lean Six Sigma and quality improvement is the best available in the marketplace. His training and facilitation of 12 of our teams saved us millions and helped our division generate 46% of the revenue and 87% of the profit of our parent corporation."

Walt Woodbury
Former CEO
QualMed California
Division of HealthNet


"Jim Bandrowski's workshop on Breakthrough Six Sigma was phenomenal. Both the workshop and Jim's dinner speech, Putting Creativity into Six Sigma, were brilliantly presented and really got our members fired up."

Larry King
President of the San Francisco Chapter
American Society for Quality (ASQ)


"Jim, it was a pleasure working with you, and the Lean training you gave us was a great benefit. As one of our team members wrote:  'Jim's use of hands-on techniques and examples were more applicable and effective than what I've experienced in similar training sessions.'"

Kyle Haeussler
Blackbelt and Manager
GE PowerSuite
General Electric


“The Six Sigma training I attended was an investment in time and money that far exceeded my expectations. I laughed a lot and almost cried when I found out how much money we are spending on processes that just frustrate employees and add no value to the customer.”

Chris Butler
Community Credit Union
Onalaska WI


“You are one of the greatest motivational speakers we have heard in a long time. The ease by which you adapted your expertise in Breakthrough Lean Six Sigma for immediate use by candy manufacturers was outstanding. Your speech energized our Seminar and was the highlight of the day!”

Ed Silva
Chapter Chairman
American Association of Candy Technologists
Quality Manager, American Licorice


“Jim, I want to thank you again for delivering the March 10-11, 2011 Design for Lean Six Sigma executive education course. Participants scored you 6.86 on a 7 point scale. You can deliver very technical information to a wide ranging audience, from individuals completely new to Six Sigma and DFLSS, to experienced black belts with a deep understanding of new product development. It takes a master instructor to be able to meet the needs of such a wide band of participants.”

Scott Converse
Director - Six Sigma Programs
Executive Education
University of Wisconsin - Madison